
Oxford Reading Tree Stage 2 more stories A review: ORT 推介

Written by Roderick Hunt Illustrator: Alex Brychta Publisher: Oxford University Press SumLook Rating: 9 / 10 每一套有6個故書和一本教學重點,故事如下: 1. Kipper's Balloon 2. Kipper's Birthday 3. Spots! 4. Floppy's Bath 5. The Baby-sitter 6. The Water Fight 1. Kipper's Balloon : 這故事講述Kipper的氣球給吹走了,而爸爸便到處找尋。孩子會學到人像 (Statue), 追趕(ran after, chased) 2. Kipper's Birthday : 這故事講述Kipper的生日派對,孩子會學到很多生日的事情,在生日派對上會有什麼事情發生,例如寫派對邀請卡,怎樣準備生日派對,收生日禮物等。森綠媽媽在小朋友生日前便積極對他讀這本書,讓他對生日派對更有印像 :) 3. Spots! : 這故事講述一家除了爸爸都病倒了,然後爸爸便照顧一家。小孩子可以學到病倒後,要看醫生,探熱,要休息,更重要的是要幫忙照顧家人。(按 在這裡 去看森綠媽媽故事閱讀影片) 4. Floppy's Bath : 這故事講述Floppy為了追兔子而把自己弄髒了,一家為牠洗澡。小孩會學到追趕(chase),骯髒(muddy, soggy),清潔(clean)以及沒有人喜歡骯髒。 5. The Baby-sitter : 這故事講述爸媽要去派對而請來了褓母,而孩子們怎樣在家中和褓母玩。小孩會學到什麼是褓母(在Baby-sitter),和一些活動例如做三文治 (Sandwich),看書 (book, story),枕頭戰 (pillow fight)。 6. The Water Fight : 這故事講述夏天來到,天氣十分熱,小孩想在家中游水消暑,後來變成了一場水戰。孩子會學到夏天是炎熱的(Hot),以及消暑方法,和水戰 (Water Fight) 的概念,亦可以學到生字例如水泡池(Paddling pool)。 森綠意見: 森綠媽媽覺我 Ki...

Hide-and-Seek Dragons: 讓幼兒學習顏色和質料的好書

Written by Fiona Watt Illustrator: Fabiano Fiorin Publisher: Usborne ISBN-13: 978-0746077603 SumLook Rating: 10 / 10 森綠BB自9個月大便很喜歡這本書。 這本書每一頁有一個主題顏色以及背景,而主要遊戲方法是要找尋不同於主題顏色的龍。 書中有很多不同的質料讓小朋友學習不同的質料及感覺,亦有很多flaps,小朋友可以翻開flaps找尋不同於主題顏色的龍。 如下圖,背景是睡房,主要顏色是粉紅色,而小朋友需要找出黃色的龍,在同一頁中,小朋友可以摸如絲般滑的緞面枕頭,以及毛巾質料。 這是一本學習顏色,質料以及Hide-and-Seek概念的好書。 我們亦有購買同一系列的 Hide-and-Seek Dinosaurs, Hide-and-Seek Cats,但這本Hide-and-Seek Dragons是最值得推介。 我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com 森綠在YOUTUBE 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw   ~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~ My son loves this book; we read this since he was about 9-m. The main purpose of this book is to teach about colors and textures. Each page is set on different scenery and is didicated for one color; the baby will have to look for a hidden dragon of different color. There are a lot of textures for the babies to touch and a lot of flaps for them to flip open. This...

K is for kissing a cool Kangaroo: 學習ABC的美麗圖書

Written by Giles Andreae Illustrator: Guy Parker-Rees Publisher: Orchard Books ISBN-13: 978-184121262 SumLook Rating: 9 / 10 K is for kissing a cool Kangaroo 是一本專門學習A for... and B for...的一本好書。書內充滿可愛,色彩豐富的插圖。每一頁專門介紹1個英文字母,而在內裡的圖畫,小朋友可以找出由該字母開始的物件,例如在“B”的一頁,便可以找到蜜蜂 (Bee),氣球 (Balloon),熊 (Bear) 等,而每次細看,都可以再找出新的物件,十分有趣。右下圖為C和D的版頁,在“C”,可以見Cake, Candle, Cat, Cup...在“D”,可以見Dog, Dream, Daisy, Dragonfly 森綠在YOUTUBE 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw   我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com ~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~. K is for kissing a cool Kangaroo is an interesting book to learn ABC and words beginning with different alphabets. The illustration is beautiful and interesting. Each page is dedicated to introduce an alphabet and a little reader can find a lot of different subjects with words beginning with the corresponding letter. I always find a new subject every time I read it agai...

Look Inside Cars: 適合喜歡車的小男孩的書

Written by Rob Lloyd Jones Illustrator: Stefano Tognetti Publisher: Usborne ISBN-13: 978-1409539506 SumLook Rating: 8 / 10 森綠小朋友(已不再是BB啦!)是一個汽車迷,見到任何車輛都十分喜歡,連看書都要有一些車在內才多一些興趣。森森媽媽因此認識了很多有趣已有關車的幼兒書。 在此想介紹 Usborne 的 Look Inside Cars 。書中有很的 flaps,讓其內容更生動,例如小朋友可以揭起印有車頭蓋的 flap 而細看車蓋下的 Engine, 同時讓小朋友學習到車的結構以及有關其科學知識。書中內容包括車的製作過程,車的結構,怎樣行車,車的歷史,壞車的命運等。 按這裡查看書的內頁 。 森綠在YOUTUBE 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw   我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com ~.~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~. The kids who love Cars will definitely love this book. There are a lot of flaps in the book for the curious kids to open and to learn about vehicles. The context includes types of cars, how to drive a car, history of cars, and the recycling of cars. Click here to see more. I have a story reading channel at YouTube, please press this link to see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdac...

Lift-out Colours Book: 讓幼兒學習顏色的好書

Written by Felicity Brooks Illustrator: Stacey Lamb Publisher: Usborne ISBN-13: 978-184121262 SumLook Rating: 9 / 10 森綠BB 十分喜歡這本書,由1歲到2歲差不多每天都玩一次。 每2版便介紹一種顏色,當中有白、黑、紅、綠、藍、黃色,讓幼兒明確顏色的名稱,而且有很多可以拿出來的砌圖塊,增加幼兒的興趣,又可以訓練他們的砌圖技巧,又可以教他們 ‘後面’ 以及 ‘入面’ 的概念。 下圖是介紹藍色的一頁。窗戶、床被、小櫃都是可以拿出來的砌圖塊。 森綠在YOUTUBE 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw 我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com ~.~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~.~ My son loves this book; he was playing with this book everyday when he was 1 to 2 years old. The book introduces a color every 2 pages and there are a lot of lift-out pieces for the kids to play and to practise puzzle skills. We can also teach the kids the concept of "in" and "out", "front" and "behind" The picture below is a page introducing Blue. The window, comforter, small cabinet are the lift-outs which the kids can take out and see wh...