K is for kissing a cool Kangaroo: 學習ABC的美麗圖書

Written by Giles Andreae
Illustrator: Guy Parker-Rees
Publisher: Orchard Books
ISBN-13: 978-184121262
SumLook Rating: 9 / 10

K is for kissing a cool Kangaroo 是一本專門學習A for... and B for...的一本好書。書內充滿可愛,色彩豐富的插圖。每一頁專門介紹1個英文字母,而在內裡的圖畫,小朋友可以找出由該字母開始的物件,例如在“B”的一頁,便可以找到蜜蜂 (Bee),氣球 (Balloon),熊 (Bear) 等,而每次細看,都可以再找出新的物件,十分有趣。右下圖為C和D的版頁,在“C”,可以見Cake, Candle, Cat, Cup...在“D”,可以見Dog, Dream, Daisy, Dragonfly

森綠在YOUTUBE 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw  

我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com

~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~.

K is for kissing a cool Kangaroo is an interesting book to learn ABC and words beginning with different alphabets.

The illustration is beautiful and interesting. Each page is dedicated to introduce an alphabet and a little reader can find a lot of different subjects with words beginning with the corresponding letter. I always find a new subject every time I read it again.

Below is the page for C and D. And you can see words starting with C and D, like Cat, Candle, Cup, Dog, Dream, etc.

I have a story reading channel at YouTube, please press this link to see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw



Famous Quote 名言語錄: Beautiful Path 美麗的路 (from Thich Nhat Hanh 一行禪師)

The Storm 一场暴風雨 (Oxford Reading Tree level 4): 暴風雨把樹屋吹倒了,孩子們找到了裝有鑰匙的盒子,那鑰匙會有什麼魔法嗎?

The Lost Puppy 丢失了的小狗 (Oxford Reading Tree stage 2): Mrs May 能找回她的小狗嗎?