A Nature Sticker Book - Hedgehogs, Hares and other British Animals: 漂亮又有教育意義的貼紙書

Written by Nikki Dyson Illustrated by Nikki Dyson Publisher: Nosy Crow ISBN-13: 978-0857636508 SumLook Rating: 10 / 10 森綠媽媽十分推薦這本貼紙書 Hedgehogs, Hares and other British Animals (A Nature Sticker Book) 。 插畫家漂亮地畫出 書中的11個情景,和120個貼紙,讓小朋友輕易地做出優雅漂亮的情景。每一個情景也有文字教導孩子關於動物和大自然的知識,讓小孩在遊戲的同時,認識更多關於大自然和哺乳類動物。這是一本十分漂亮,有趣和富有教育意義的遊戲書。適合4歲或以上的小孩。森綠媽媽很推介這本書。 有興趣可以到以上的影片看到書中的情景和貼紙。 如想得知森綠媽媽最新的童書推介,請到 可以到以下的臉書link和like😊😊 https://m.facebook.com/SumlookKidsBooks/ 我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Book Review in English~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a nature sticker book full of elegantly painted stickers. There are 11 scenes for kids to play with; each was beautifully illustrated. It is not only beautiful but also very educating. There are passages in each scene to teach kids about nature and mammals, and also suggestions of activities. It is a great, fun, beautiful activity book which can also be a great gift for littl...