Look Inside Cars: 適合喜歡車的小男孩的書
Written by Rob Lloyd Jones
Illustrator: Stefano Tognetti
Publisher: Usborne
ISBN-13: 978-1409539506
SumLook Rating: 8 / 10
在此想介紹 Usborne 的 Look Inside Cars。書中有很的 flaps,讓其內容更生動,例如小朋友可以揭起印有車頭蓋的 flap 而細看車蓋下的 Engine, 同時讓小朋友學習到車的結構以及有關其科學知識。書中內容包括車的製作過程,車的結構,怎樣行車,車的歷史,壞車的命運等。
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~.~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~.
The kids who love Cars will definitely love this book. There are a lot of flaps in the book for the curious kids to open and to learn about vehicles. The context includes types of cars, how to drive a car, history of cars, and the recycling of cars.
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