Hide-and-Seek Dragons: 讓幼兒學習顏色和質料的好書

Written by Fiona Watt
Illustrator: Fabiano Fiorin
Publisher: Usborne
ISBN-13: 978-0746077603
SumLook Rating: 10 / 10






我們亦有購買同一系列的 Hide-and-Seek Dinosaurs, Hide-and-Seek Cats,但這本Hide-and-Seek Dragons是最值得推介。

我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com

森綠在YOUTUBE 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw  

~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~

My son loves this book; we read this since he was about 9-m.

The main purpose of this book is to teach about colors and textures. Each page is set on different scenery and is didicated for one color; the baby will have to look for a hidden dragon of different color. There are a lot of textures for the babies to touch and a lot of flaps for them to flip open. This is a great book for babies to play and explore textures and to learn about colors.(see the picture below for the page for pink)

We have bought also books of the same series, like Hide-and-Seek Dinosaurs, Hide-and-Seek Cats. But we found the one of Dragons is the best.

I have a story reading channel at YouTube, please press this link to see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw



Famous Quote 名言語錄: Beautiful Path 美麗的路 (from Thich Nhat Hanh 一行禪師)

The Lost Puppy 丢失了的小狗 (Oxford Reading Tree stage 2): Mrs May 能找回她的小狗嗎?

Famous Quote 名言語錄: Widen Your Vision 拓寬視野 (from Zhuang Zi 莊子)