
目前顯示的是有「Flip-Flap Book」標籤的文章

The Incredible Cabinet of Wonders: 讓小孩愛上博物館的有趣圖書

Written by Joe Fullman Illustrated by Albane Simon Publisher: Lonely Planet for Kids ISBN: 978-1-78701-103-8 SumLook Rating: 9 / 10 森綠一家都很喜歡到博物館,因為可以培養孩子好奇心和學習不同知識。這本書搜羅了世界上有名的博物館的很多有趣的展品,並有系統地和有趣地展示展品。書中分了不同展區,有關於衣服潮流展區,水手展區,怪獸獵人展區,尋寶者展區等,並把有關的展品有趣地藏在蓋掩(FLAPS)的後面,讓小孩可以像打開神秘的櫃去尋找展品一樣,因為他們並不知道蓋掩後藏著的是什麼東西。森綠大兒子很喜歡這本書,在學習那些奇怪有趣的展品時,也學習到世界上有那些知名的博物館。森綠媽媽很推介這本書。 如想得知森綠媽媽最新的童書推介,請到 可以到以下的臉書link和like😊😊 https://m.facebook.com/SumlookKidsBooks/ 我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址   http://bb.sumlook.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Book Review in English~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumlook family always love visiting museums because the children can learn knowledge of different areas and visiting museums can also nurture their curiosity.   "The Incredible Cabinet of Wonders" has collected interesting exhibits from museums around the world. It has categorized and displayed the exhibits systematically and also in a very interesting way. In this book, exhibits are put into different exhibition area

Tales from Acorn Woods

By Julia Donaldson Illustrated by Axel Scheffler Publisher: Macmillan SumLook rating: 8 / 10 Julia Donaldson 是有名的兒童圖書作家,最著名的作品為Gruffalo。 而這系列共有 4 本書: 1. Hide-and-Seek Pig 2. Postman Bear 3. Fox's Socks 4. Rabbit's Nap   Hide-and-Seek Pig 是說小豬和朋友玩捉迷藏,小朋友可以學到什麼是捉迷藏,小動物如Hen, Bird, Rabbit, Squirrel, Dormouse, Badger, 以及那些小動物的特徵,書中每版的Flaps ,令故事書更有趣,而小朋 友更可以學到‘後面‘的概念。 Postman Bear 是說熊郵差寫信邀請3個朋友來他的生日派對。故事帶有些少數學概念,小朋友可以學到生日派對的意思,也可以學到動物如Frog, Squirrel, Mole和這些小動物的居所。書中每版也有 Flaps。 Fox's Socks 是說狐狸不見了他一雙襪子,到不同地方尋找,但只尋到其他衣物如襯衫, 蝶形領結,帽子等。小朋友可以學到不同衣物的名稱,位置的講法(in, under),以及屋中不同位子,如客廳,洗手間等。 書中每版也有 Flaps。 Rabbit's Nap 是說小兔子想要午睡,到處尋找可以午睡的地方,但都被一些小動物如熊,老鼠,狐狸,烏龜等吵醒,最後也是要回家才能睡著。小朋友可以學到不同午睡的地方如 窗台,櫥櫃,躺椅,以及動物名稱等 。書中每版也有 Flaps。

Look Inside Science: 讓小孩有簡單科學概念的好書

Written by Minna Lacey Illustrator: Stefano Tognetti Publisher: Usborne ISBN-13: 978-1409551287 SumLook Rating: 9 / 10 森森媽媽很喜歡這本書! 這本書講及很多不同範疇的科學基本知識,例如:不同質料的來源,植物和樹木的生長,身體部位,地心吸力,宇宙等,而且flap 中有flap,令小朋友覺得很有趣,一點也不沉悶。 森綠在Youtube 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw ~.~.~.Review in English~.~.~ We love this book! Look Inside Science introduces basic knowledge of different science. For example, how the plants grow, different parts of body, gravity, the universe. Moreover, this book is not boring at all as the flaps and flap-inside-flap will keep the kids' fingers very busy. I have a story reading channel at YouTube, please press this link to see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw

Hide-and-Seek Dragons: 讓幼兒學習顏色和質料的好書

Written by Fiona Watt Illustrator: Fabiano Fiorin Publisher: Usborne ISBN-13: 978-0746077603 SumLook Rating: 10 / 10 森綠BB自9個月大便很喜歡這本書。 這本書每一頁有一個主題顏色以及背景,而主要遊戲方法是要找尋不同於主題顏色的龍。 書中有很多不同的質料讓小朋友學習不同的質料及感覺,亦有很多flaps,小朋友可以翻開flaps找尋不同於主題顏色的龍。 如下圖,背景是睡房,主要顏色是粉紅色,而小朋友需要找出黃色的龍,在同一頁中,小朋友可以摸如絲般滑的緞面枕頭,以及毛巾質料。 這是一本學習顏色,質料以及Hide-and-Seek概念的好書。 我們亦有購買同一系列的 Hide-and-Seek Dinosaurs, Hide-and-Seek Cats,但這本Hide-and-Seek Dragons是最值得推介。 我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com 森綠在YOUTUBE 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw   ~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~ My son loves this book; we read this since he was about 9-m. The main purpose of this book is to teach about colors and textures. Each page is set on different scenery and is didicated for one color; the baby will have to look for a hidden dragon of different color. There are a lot of textures for the babies to touch and a lot of flaps for them to flip open. This is

Look Inside Cars: 適合喜歡車的小男孩的書

Written by Rob Lloyd Jones Illustrator: Stefano Tognetti Publisher: Usborne ISBN-13: 978-1409539506 SumLook Rating: 8 / 10 森綠小朋友(已不再是BB啦!)是一個汽車迷,見到任何車輛都十分喜歡,連看書都要有一些車在內才多一些興趣。森森媽媽因此認識了很多有趣已有關車的幼兒書。 在此想介紹 Usborne 的 Look Inside Cars 。書中有很的 flaps,讓其內容更生動,例如小朋友可以揭起印有車頭蓋的 flap 而細看車蓋下的 Engine, 同時讓小朋友學習到車的結構以及有關其科學知識。書中內容包括車的製作過程,車的結構,怎樣行車,車的歷史,壞車的命運等。 按這裡查看書的內頁 。 森綠在YOUTUBE 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw   我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 http://bb.sumlook.com ~.~.~.~.Book Review in English~.~.~. The kids who love Cars will definitely love this book. There are a lot of flaps in the book for the curious kids to open and to learn about vehicles. The context includes types of cars, how to drive a car, history of cars, and the recycling of cars. Click here to see more. I have a story reading channel at YouTube, please press this link to see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAs