The Incredible Cabinet of Wonders: 讓小孩愛上博物館的有趣圖書
Written by Joe Fullman Illustrated by Albane Simon Publisher: Lonely Planet for Kids ISBN: 978-1-78701-103-8 SumLook Rating: 9 / 10 森綠一家都很喜歡到博物館,因為可以培養孩子好奇心和學習不同知識。這本書搜羅了世界上有名的博物館的很多有趣的展品,並有系統地和有趣地展示展品。書中分了不同展區,有關於衣服潮流展區,水手展區,怪獸獵人展區,尋寶者展區等,並把有關的展品有趣地藏在蓋掩(FLAPS)的後面,讓小孩可以像打開神秘的櫃去尋找展品一樣,因為他們並不知道蓋掩後藏著的是什麼東西。森綠大兒子很喜歡這本書,在學習那些奇怪有趣的展品時,也學習到世界上有那些知名的博物館。森綠媽媽很推介這本書。 如想得知森綠媽媽最新的童書推介,請到 可以到以下的臉書link和like😊😊 我也有寫blog 分享育兒心得,有興趣請到此網址 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Book Review in English~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumlook family always love visiting museums because the children can learn knowledge of different areas and visiting museums can also nurture their curiosity. "The Incredible Cabinet of Wonders" has collected interesting exhibits from museums around the world. It has categorized and displayed the exhibits systematically and also in a very interesting way. In this book, exhibits are put into different exhibition area