The Incredible Cabinet of Wonders: 讓小孩愛上博物館的有趣圖書

Written by Joe Fullman
Illustrated by Albane Simon
Publisher: Lonely Planet for Kids

ISBN: 978-1-78701-103-8
SumLook Rating: 9 / 10



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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Book Review in English~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sumlook family always love visiting museums because the children can learn knowledge of different areas and visiting museums can also nurture their curiosity.  

"The Incredible Cabinet of Wonders" has collected interesting exhibits from museums around the world. It has categorized and displayed the exhibits systematically and also in a very interesting way. In this book, exhibits are put into different exhibition areas, like Sailor's cabinet, Musician's cabinet, Monster Hunter's cabinet. The exhibits are arranged and hidden behind a lot of flaps that the children will feel like they are opening up a treasure chest whenever they unfold a flap to find the exhibit below. HOW FUN!!

My older son loves this book so much. While he is learning the interesting exhibits around the world, he is also learning the names of famous museums around the world. Sumlook mommy really loves this book and highly recommends it. 

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