Look Inside Science: 讓小孩有簡單科學概念的好書

Written by Minna Lacey
Illustrator: Stefano Tognetti
Publisher: Usborne
ISBN-13: 978-1409551287
SumLook Rating: 9 / 10


這本書講及很多不同範疇的科學基本知識,例如:不同質料的來源,植物和樹木的生長,身體部位,地心吸力,宇宙等,而且flap 中有flap,令小朋友覺得很有趣,一點也不沉悶。

森綠在Youtube 也有故事閱讀頻道,有興趣請按https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw

~.~.~.Review in English~.~.~

We love this book!

Look Inside Science introduces basic knowledge of different science. For example, how the plants grow, different parts of body, gravity, the universe. Moreover, this book is not boring at all as the flaps and flap-inside-flap will keep the kids' fingers very busy.

I have a story reading channel at YouTube, please press this link to see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGO-9CfKdacVbAsrDdnhxw



Famous Quote 名言語錄: Beautiful Path 美麗的路 (from Thich Nhat Hanh 一行禪師)

The Storm 一场暴風雨 (Oxford Reading Tree level 4): 暴風雨把樹屋吹倒了,孩子們找到了裝有鑰匙的盒子,那鑰匙會有什麼魔法嗎?

Famous Quote 名言語錄: Widen Your Vision 拓寬視野 (from Zhuang Zi 莊子)