Henry The Fourth (MathStart): 學習數學中序數的有趣圖書 A good book to learn about Ordinals

Written by Stuart J. Murphy
Illustrator: Scott Nash
Publisher: HarperTrophy
SumLook Rating: 8 / 10

森綠媽媽在大學是讀數學的,所以也喜歡留意一些教小孩子數學概念的圖書。其中一個不錯的系列是 MathStart。曾經買了一些此系列的書,當然有好,也有不太好的。森綠媽媽比較欣賞的有 Henry The Fourth, Monster Musical chairs, Beep Beep Vroom Vroom, Elevetor Magic。  

Henry The Fourth (亨利第四) 這故事是關於序數,就是指事物的排序,即第一位,第二位,等。在中文來說,這概念較容易明白,因為序數只是在中文的數字加上"第..個",但在英文來說,則較難,因為英文的序數的詞語可以和數字的詞語完全不一樣,例如:一是ONE,第一則是FIRST;二是TWO,第二則是SECOND。


dragon 龍
dog show 狗展
talented 有才華的
first 第一
second 第二
third 第三
fourth 第四
beg 請求
beautifully 漂亮地
hollered 大喊
budge 挪動/讓步
tackled 擒抱和摔倒
sloppy 邋遢的
kiss 吻
https://dictationmate.sumlook.com/vocabulary/9G8bTzsWyBgwGzM5DkPq )


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森綠的大兒子也做了一個頻道教數學,有興趣請看 https://youtu.be/Jxu_OfiIwzk 


~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Book Review in English ~.~.~.~.~.~.

SumLook studied Mathematics at college so I also love to look at some books teaching children Maths concepts. I found a series called MathStart quite good. I bought some books from this series; like other series, some books are good and some not so good.

However, I really like the books called "Henry The Fourth", " Monster Musical chairs", "Beep Beep Vroom Vroom", "Elevetor Magic".

"Henry The Fourth" is a story about Ordinals, concepts like "First", "Second", "Third",etc.

In the story, there was a dog show. Four dogs are going to perform, and they take turn to come out to perform. The first dog performs speaking according the owner's instruction. The second dog knows how to beg beautifully. The third dog performs rolling over and over. However, the fourth dog would not perform. What is his owner going to do? and who will win the king of the show? Come to see the reading clip to find out!https://youtu.be/-JbzIpQRY6Q

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Click on our application Dictationmate which help learners to spell better https://dictationmate.sumlook.com/vocabulary/9G8bTzsWyBgwGzM5DkPq



Famous Quote 名言語錄: Beautiful Path 美麗的路 (from Thich Nhat Hanh 一行禪師)

The Storm 一场暴風雨 (Oxford Reading Tree level 4): 暴風雨把樹屋吹倒了,孩子們找到了裝有鑰匙的盒子,那鑰匙會有什麼魔法嗎?

Famous Quote 名言語錄: Widen Your Vision 拓寬視野 (from Zhuang Zi 莊子)